Achieving cost estimation improvement in the infrastructure industry with Cleopatra Enterprise

  • Keeping up with the developments in the cost field
  • Having more functionalities compared to the former software
  • Choosing a software compatible with the Rijkswaterstaat network as all cost engineers at the organization were going to use the tool
  • Converting all cost-related data, such as existing estimates and knowledgebase with unit prices and cost models
  • Interacting with a satisfactory look and feel
  • Getting the appropriate training


”The Cleopatra Enterprise Team is very professional and cooperative. They have excellent software engineers who unraveled our data in a short amount of time. The team responds quickly, on a daily basis, to all questions and suggestions.”

– Ingrid Vermeulen, Senior Cost Engineer at Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement

Why did Rijkswaterstaat choose our software?

Rijkswaterstaat’s price and quality analysis showed that Cleopatra Enterprise was the solution with the highest price to quality ratio. The aspect quality consisted of a List of Requirements, a Plan of Approach and a Proof of Ability. In the Proof of Ability, all suppliers demonstrated the functionalities and look and feel of the software in a predefined and identical use case.

The advantages of Cleopatra were stated as follows by the Cost Engineering Department of Rijkswaterstaat:

  • Cleopatra is developed by cost engineers, assuring added value in our work processes.
  • Cleopatra Enterprise is open to customer wishes and improvements. For instance, they are committed to converting all our cost related data in a mostly automated way.
  • Cleopatra has a clear and configurable interface. The knowledgebase is designed like a ‘shop’ that supports easy access to the resources needed in the estimate.
  • Cleopatra has a high aesthetic quality. The design is highly consistent and complete. All functionalities have similar designs.
  • Reporting options in Cleopatra are in any way adjustable, very clear, and nicely designed.
  • Cleopatra met all our must-have requirements and most of our should-have requirements. A few examples of these requirements: at least 5 decimals, the possibility of a knowledgebase, search functionality, export to and import from Excel, decompositions, and filtering, comparing and analyzing estimates, the use of allowances, factors, authorization and cost models.
  • Cleopatra enables the user a phased learning process, from easy access to basic commands to programming own functionality and cost models.
  • The programming functionality is embedded in the software.

Cleopatra Enterprise allows Rijkswaterstaat to perform reliable cost estimates for projects in the field of construction and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands (roads, waterways, and water systems). The estimating functionalities of Cleopatra enable Rijkswaterstaat to make accurate cost estimates ranging from conceptual estimates to detailed estimates.


“The Project Analysis capabilities of Cleopatra Enterprise and the cost knowledgebase maintained in the tool will help us make high-quality estimates. This will enable us to create an efficient and repeatable cost estimating work process, providing the management with reliable, professional estimates, that allows them to make the right decisions. With Cleopatra, Rijkswaterstaat will be able to advise the financier on the budget to be reserved, advise project teams on the cost progress in time, and advise at tenders.”

– Ingrid Vermeulen, Senior Cost Engineer at Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement

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