Working as a member of the sales department

Working as a member of the sales department for Cleopatra Enterprise means you are involved in a lot of different activities. Basically, no one day is the same. Some parts of the job are even more exciting than others, which is why I’d like to give you some insight into one of these activities in particular: our Cleopatra roadshows. Means you are involved in a lot of different activities. Basically, no one day is the same. Some parts of the job are even more exciting than others, which is why I’d like to give you some insight into one of these activities in particular: our Cleopatra roadshows.

Cleopatra is our software solution that is at the heart of what we do at Cleopatra Enterprise and already used by some of the biggest companies in the world, helping them to better manage their project costs. In order to find new clients for Cleopatra, we could of course pick up the phone book and start calling potential clients, but for advanced software such as Cleopatra that is not the most efficient way of doing sales. To successfully sell this type of product you will need to properly understand the client, build trust and demonstrate your ability to provide added value.

Cleopatra is our software solution that is at the heart of what we do at Cleopatra Enterprise and already used by some of the biggest companies in the world, helping them to better manage their project costs. In order to find new clients for Cleopatra, we could of course pick up the phone book and start calling potential clients, but for advanced software such as Cleopatra that is not the most efficient way of doing sales. To successfully sell this type of product you will need to properly understand the client, build trust and demonstrate your ability to provide added value.

We have found that an important way of doing this, is by meeting with clients in person. Due to our international client base, this means travelling. At Cleopatra Enterprise, the members of our sales team are each responsible for different regions in the world. Myself, I am for instance responsible for Western-Europe and North America. A couple times a year we conduct a “roadshow”, where we try and meet with existing clients and new opportunities in a specific region. For example, I recently conducted one of these roadshows again in Canada and the US.

In a period of a few weeks, you want to meet with as many (potential) clients as possible, so that means generating interest by contacting people and working closely with the marketing team to promote the roadshow. I really like that you are responsible for this entire process yourself. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding when you manage to arrange a meeting with that company that you wanted to get in touch with for a long time.

The roadshow itself is an awesome experience. You get to travel to some amazing places, which really broadens your view on the world. Usually, you will be quite busy with client meetings during the day, but in the evening hours and weekends you will have a chance to explore the cities that you are visiting. After all, to be successful in your sales processes you will also need a proper understanding of the (business) culture in that country.

I noticed myself that the intensity of the meetings (sometimes 2 or 3 per day) forces you to be completely focused. This is a good experience, because you can really sharpen your skills as a sales person to be on top of your game. As I have done many roadshows already, I really notice that the experience I have gained has developed me as a person and made a better sales professional.

When you eventually sit in the plane back home, you are exhausted but satisfied with the results you have made and the experiences you take with you. Realising that all the hard work was really worth it.

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